
My name is Candice Rose. I am a NASM certified Corrective Exercise Specialist and ACE certified Personal Trainer with over 7 years professional experience in the West Seattle neighborhood. I design safe and specific training programs. My knowledge and experience result in programs that reduce pain, and increase mobility and strength.

I became interested in Personal Training over a decade ago when I regained my own personal power through fitness. I've been active most of my life, but did not realize until my late 20's that I was using fitness to manage my previously undiagnosed PTSD. Exercise gave me my personal power back. The ability to be present, joyful, and at ease with friends and family. I became passionate about helping others regain their power through health and wellness.

Wellness is not one dimensional. It requires community, support, balance, self respect, and honoring what is authentic for you. I am connected to an incredible network of West Seattle based health and wellness professionals, which include chiropractic, physical therapists, naturopath, acupuncturist, life coach, registered dietitians, and massage therapist. 

It begins with one small decision. The decision that says you're worth it, you deserve it, the world deserves the best version of YOU possible. You make a difference. You matter. What small step would you take right now... if you loved yourself wholeheartedly? 

Four years ago I made one of the best decisions of my life. At age 58 I was struggling with some pretty impactful knee issues. On a whim I decided to try a series of private physical coaching sessions with a upbeat and (it turns out) extremely knowledgeable young woman, Candice Rose. She quickly determined the most effective exercises to build strength in muscles that ultimately alleviated the knee pain I’d been living with for over 2 years. In the past four years I’ve run four half-marathons, biked extensively through the Netherlands and am now training for a 500 mile hike across northern Spain. I couldn’t have done any of this without the life changing lessons learned from Candice Rose. Thanks Candice!
— Jody M.

From Rehabilitation to Increasing Performance


There are no shortcuts... no quick fixes worth investing in. But one small decision, one moment at a time, you can change your programming, change your life, and change the world. 

I am also a mother of 2 beautiful children who go to school here in West Seattle. They amaze me constantly. You'll often find me walking through our parks or enjoying the incredible West Seattle water fronts. I am passionate about non violence toward all sentient beings, which is why I choose veganism. I am also a singer-songwriter and currently working on a new E.P. with a new band I am excited to release.


Candice is an amazing trainer!

I trained with her for almost a year, before I moved out of the area. She totally helped me transform my body and get going on a path where I now love my body and feel great about it, and I am also stronger and fitter than ever before in my life. Whatever your goals are, or wherever you are on your path, Candice will listen to you and design a program that will get you there. Her workouts are varied, challenging, thoughtful and creative so I never got bored, plus she is a riot. She's really an amazing trainer and if I still lived close enough I would still be working with her. Don't wait any longer, you can start now, so do it! I am so much happier now that I have my strength and my fitness and that wouldn't have happened without her. Amazing trainer, the best I've ever found!


- Johanna B.

I love watching my senior clients gain confidence in walking and dancing again, without fear of falling. The ability to sit down and stand up without holding on to anything... which many of us take for granted. 

I enjoy watching my soccer athlete move through the entire season without injury, when previously they struggled with shin splints, knee pain, and hip pain.

Or watching the steady confidence and strength gained by my client who finished chemo and swore they would do everything in their power from now on to live life to the fullest, stay healthy, strong, capable, and doing the things they love well into their 60's, 70's, and beyond.

If you train with me, you will transform your body so it works for what matters to you!